Performance Pieces & Installations
A QCA grant project with Mallie Bowman and Company to create original sculptural setting in Theater/Drama; performances and installation at the Jamaica Arts Center, Queens, at the Queensborough Performing Arts Center and QCC Gallery, C.U.N.Y.

Inside/Outside: Total installation: free-standing costumes, shoe, flexible movable hand: stage pieces for display as well as performance, Jamaica Art Center Gallery, Queens, New York

“hand” built of foam rubber, terry cloth, thermoplastic over wooden swivel chair
City Visions
A grant project to create an installation using projections from original photographs of industrial Queens and a set of aluminum mesh and rod constructions as a three-dimensional reflective setting for the projections. The multi-media installation was shown both as a gallery installation and also used as the setting for Memory Ghosts, an original dance theater piece created in collaboration with Sheila Kaminsky and Dancers. Memory Ghosts was performed in the Katherine Cornell Theater at the State University of New York, Buffalo, New York, and at the Queensborough Performing Arts Center, C.U.N.Y. and exhibited as an installation in the QCC Gallery, Queensborough Community College, C.U.N.Y.; performances and installation at the Queens Museum, Viridian Gallery, and several other theater venues in Manhattan, and at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland, U.K.
Click on image to enlarge

Queens Museum, NY: structures without projections

Walk-in installation, “City Visions” solo exhibition, QCC Gallery, C.U.N.Y. 1988, with changing projections of Queens architecture surrounding viewers who walk through or sit in it.

Katherine Cornell Theater, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo, NY, in theater performance, “Memory Ghosts”.

“Memory Ghosts”: Over 100 original photographs were projected onto contructions during performance as a changing setting for dancers and musicians.